As a link in various supply chains, CDS Hackner GmbH is indirectly impacted by the Supply Chain Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG)). We are aware of our responsibility with respect to the purpose of this law. With this in mind, the commercial management of CDS Hackner GmbH organises internal training sessions at least once annually for a group of CDS employees tasked with issues surrounding the LkSG and resulting due diligence obligations. The requirements of the LkSG have been integrated into our corporate risk management, in consideration of the principle of proportionality. We ensure that our suppliers observe human rights and environmental standards, insofar as this is within our discretion and scope of action. As part of this, we conduct visits to our suppliers’ sites both domestically and abroad.

Whistleblower Protection Act

We have implemented an external anonymous internet-based whistleblower system for our employees, customers, suppliers and other parties who report significant violations to our codes of conduct.

Reports can also be made anonymously. Every report is examined in detail, suspected cases are investigated and any violations are followed up systematically.

This system is available in German and English. It allows a confidential and specially encrypted dialog with the CDS Hackner reporting office managers.
Please also note our data protection notice before accessing the website (Link to PDF).

To the whistleblower system.