Food products for the
petfood industry.
For years we are well known as an experienced and compentent system partner of the petfood industry. One of our strengths is to customize our products individually on our customers demands. Therefore we e.g. totally give up on single packaging of our raw materials to increase production safety. Furthermore, we offer individual frozen block sizes of 20 to 50kg, which we can store temporarily in our cold store for material of category III.
Selina Mohr
Sales special meat cuts & offal
Graf Barf stands for premium raw menus made of 100% food-grade quality meat and the first BARF menus made of whole meat pieces. Graf Barf is a private label of CDS Hackner GmbH. It is successfully active on the market since 2014.
Sandra Kupsch
Director of sales & purchasing
special meat cuts & offal